Jun 01 2023

June 4-10 is Pet Appreciation Week!

image for June 4-10 is Pet Appreciation Week!

Pet Appreciation Week is a great time to celebrate all the wonderful creatures in our lives that bring us so much joy, fun, and companionship. Our pets give us unconditional love, lower blood pressure, and decreased stress – and having someone excited to welcome us home always makes the day brighter.

This week, take a bit of extra time to spend with your pets, whether they are furry, feathered, or reptilian. While every day is an opportunity to show your pets love and appreciation, we can try to make this week really special by focusing on the things you know your pet loves, but are often considered treats or special occasions

Here are some ideas for how to spoil your pet this week:

  • Go for a leisurely walk, longer than usual, letting your pet choose the route and how long the walk lasts, with lots of stops to sniff and explore.
  • Take your pet to a favorite creek or lake for a swim, even if it means a smelly car ride home or bath afterwards.
  • Go for a long car ride with the windows down, if that’s the type of thing your pet loves.
  • Take your dog for a long weekday hike in the evening, somewhere you usually only go on special weekend hikes, for a change of pace and scenery.
  • Have a long session of laser-beam play with your cat.
  • Go somewhere new with your pet and have an adventure. You could go to a new park or walking trail, check out a pet-friendly social space, or visit your local pet store for some new toys or treats.
  • Make or bake your pet a batch of homemade treats. They can be anything your pet loves, from peanut butter cookies to fresh catnip treats or favorite fruit and veggie mixes.
  • Buy the foods that you usually reserve for special occasions, the ones your pet gets really excited to see come out of the pantry or fridge at meal time.
  • Get some of the fresh fruits or vegetables you know your pet prefers for a mid-afternoon or after dinner treat.
  • Bring home a new toy. Everyone loves a new toy!
  • Indulge in some extra belly rubs or back scratches.
  • Treat your pet to a good brushing and massage (yes, canine massage is a thing!), and even a bath if that’s something they like.
  • Arrange a play date for your pet with some of their best friends to romp around with.
  • See if any local organizations or shelters are hosting pet appreciation week events and take part.
  • Get some photos taken together. Hire a photographer to take some snaps at your favorite park or at home, have a friend or family member take some, or use remote shooting to capture some special moments with your pet. However you do it, one day you will be glad you took those photos and have a special moment to look back on and remember.
  • Take your pet for an annual wellness checkup appointment at the veterinarians. One of the best things you can do for your pet is to make sure that they’re healthy and any issues or concerns are detected early and addressed for their long-term health and well-being.

Overall, just spend some quality time with your pet. Pets often crave our attention and just want to be near us. Whatever you choose to do to celebrate Pet Appreciation Week, providing a loving home for your pet and caring for their wellbeing is the best way to show your appreciation for their unconditional love year-round.

LifeLearn News

Note: This article, written by LifeLearn Animal Health (LifeLearn Inc.) is licensed to this practice for the personal use of our clients. Any copying, printing or further distribution is prohibited without the express written permission of Lifelearn. Please note that the news information presented here is NOT a substitute for a proper consultation and/or clinical examination of your pet by a veterinarian.

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